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Attitude Is Everything: How to Be Luckier



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attitude and luck

Attitude and Luck:  The Connection

Attitude is literally everything.

You’ve heard about self-fulfilling prophecies, to be sure.  It’s the sort of thing that’s discussed in tandem with the concept of bad luck and tragic outcomes.

But could self-fulfilling prophecies be related to good luck and good outcomes as well?

There’s evidence that it actually does.

A Scientific Study About the Connection Between Attitude and Luck

Professor Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire, England, conducted a study wherein he taught a group of subjects about the power of proper thinking.  More specifically, he instructed his subjects as to how to channel their thoughts towards creating self-fulfilling prophecies through the use of positive expectations and how to adopt a resilient attitude that, by itself, could shift their focus from bad luck to good luck wherever possible.

One month later, the volunteers returned and described what had happened to Professor Wiseman, who recorded that 80% of people were happier, more satisfied with their lives and…felt far luckier than before.  The conclusion?  The lucky people were luckier and even the unlucky had felt they had become lucky.

Gee…that’s why “Fake it ’til you make it,” is actually good advice!  Attitude really is everything.

A Model for Cause and Effect Concerning Attitude and Luck

Look at it another way using what’s known as the “Pygmalion Effect.”  This is a model of thought and behavior where your actions towards others has an effect on them (of course), which in turn influences how they feel about you, which as a result affects how they treat you…and that then reinforces your beliefs about yourself, which (yet again) affects your actions…and so on.

What makes your self-fulfilling prophecy result in good luck instead of bad luck, per this model, is exactly how you harness your thoughts and make them work for you.  When you have the proper attitude, you’re in the proper headspace to work through life’s challenges instead of being crushed by them.  Henry Ford is credited with saying, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.”


So be more mindful of your thoughts, as they really do affect your outcomes.  You deserve a prophecy where everything comes up aces and not jokers…that’s for sure!  Don’t you want to live in harmony with your WHY and achieve all of your S.M.A.A.R.T. goals?  Well, if you don’t have the right attitude, you’re going to block your blessings something fierce…which will lead you to feeling far less lucky than you should be.  But with the right attitude and beatitude you can change things around.

Luck is often viewed as an acronym:  Labor Under Correct Knowledge.  However, you shouldn’t just labor under correct knowledge…you should also have the proper attitude to succeed.  Stop getting in your own way!  You deserve better!

Grab our 43-page eBook, “The Woman-101 31-Day Life Reboot Guide” FREE, by joining the Woman-101 Hoot-Whoot! Club. Go to: and join us!

Want a book that’ll help you with your attitude?  If you’re feeling cuddly, you can always try Chicken Soup for the Soul:  Think Possible:  101 Stories About Using a Positive Attitude to Enjoy Your Life, available on Amazon.

Feeling more hardcore?  Try You Are a Badass:  How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Live an Awesome Life, by Jen Sincero, also available on Amazon.




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