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Seduce Yourself: How to Live Life Happier



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seduce yourself

Seduce Yourself to Master Your Most Important Relationship!

You’ve probably thought a lot about how to seduce someone else.  You may have even done a lot to deduce someone else…but….

Have you ever given any thought to how you’d seduce…you?

It’s a serious question!

Think for one second–the definition of the word “seduction,” according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, doesn’t just revolve around persuading someone to have sex with you.  It also includes behavior that’s meant to interest and attract people, in general.

Okay, you say.  So…?

Here’s the deal.  When you’re trying to interest someone or attract them, you’re doing your best to be interesting.  To be lively and engaging.  This way they come on over to your side…whether it’s on an issue or to a cause…OR to get to know you better and become friends…lovers…more….

But no matter what, you’re certainly not sitting around in a lump doing nothing new, exciting, different or interesting.  You’re not saying (we hope), “Why bother?  It’s not worth the effort. I’ll just lay here and despair.”

So…the point here with respect to today’s post is that even though we’re not trying to attract or interest someone else in doing X, we’re trying to get you to be interesting and attractive to yourself since, after all, you’re with yourself 24/7.  The relationship you have with yourself is only the most important relationship in your life, and here you are, likely doing little to nothing to keep the spark alive!

It’s interesting the lengths women will go in order to score the interests and attention of someone else; meanwhile, if we’re flying solo for whatever the reason, we do zilch to take care of ourselves, to truly entertain ourselves in a way that isn’t “checked out.”

For example, when you’re trying to seduce someone else you’re dressed to impress, groomed to consume attention and certainly up for anything exciting and interesting, so that Mr. or Ms. Right can’t wait to tune in tomorrow to see what else we’ve got going on for them.  In other words, you’ve attracted them and they want to stick around.

But the trouble is, for many of you, you don’t do this for yourself.  You only groom for other people; you don’t do it as an exercise in loving self-care.  Hair and makeup is a chore when it’s just for yourself, so perhaps you don’t even bother.  Instead of going out anywhere or doing anything, you sit at home with the same takeout containers in front of you and you binge-watch something on Netflix.  Ho-hum.  After all, it isn’t worth doing more…since it’s just you…right?


You want to have a healthy sense of self-esteem.  You want to have a healthy body and a happy heart, let alone a mind that’s interested in tuning in tomorrow to see what else life’s got in store…for YOU.  You want to have the energy to keep working on your WHY and achieving those S.M.A.A.R.T. goals so that you can live the best life possible!

If only we’d do our best to play full out, 100% full-throttle, to seduce ourselves into staying connected and interested in ourselves and our lives the same exact way we’d throw ourselves into life for the purpose of seducing someone else…we may just fall in love…with our own selves and our own lives!

It’s a very worthy goal.  After all, no matter how much time you spend with someone else, you’ll never spend more time with them than yourself.  So seduce yourself!  Love yourself!  Love your life!  It’s a 24/7 trip–you should be committed to loving it as much as possible, to make it as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible.

If you want to grab our 43-page eBook, “The Woman-101 31-Day Life Reboot Guide” FREE, consider subscribing to the Woman-101 Hoot-Whoot! Club. Go to: and subscribe!

For more advice on how to love your life, try the book, Feeling Good:  The New Mood Therapy, by David D. Burns, available on Amazon.



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