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Control Your Calendar to Improve Your Life



7 Proven Steps for Dealing with Difficult Coworkers!

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Control Is Only A Few Clicks Away!

It’s a simple fact—if you’re not in control of your calendar, someone else is.

In fact, are you in control of your life at all?  Are you frantically jumping from task to task and deadline to deadline without getting the 30,000 foot view of where you’re heading?

That can’t be satisfying.

Everything you do should be related to your WHY, for optimal soul satisfaction.

But how to engage in time management so that you’re finally calm and in control?

First, even if you’re “crazy busy,” you must control of your schedule enough to honor a daily 10 minutes commitment for your goal setting ritual.  That will give you the blueprint on how to run the next day most effectively.

But…how to do that?

STOP right now.  No getting distracted by bright, shiny objects.  Then control yourself enough to engage in some calendar blocking.  Use the calendar system of your choice and block out chunks of time every day, week and month during which you’ll work on your WHY-related Master Plan.  Start with 10 minutes a day for your goal-setting ritual, then add from there until you find an entire hour for this worthwhile work.

If you have to find an hour total by blocking out four fifteen-minute segments or two half-hour ones, whatever.  Just do it.

Your electronic calendar control system may be on a desktop, laptop, mobile device, tablet, phone or watch.  Pick a system, stick with it and be prepared to continually update it for ultimate control.

Whatever’s going to work for you, great…but you have to work it!

Remember, these “office hours” you’re carving out are for you to do the work necessary to improve your life.  Some of that work will involve focusing on your WHY and any short-term or long-term goals needed to live in harmony with it.

Let’s face it, you’ve made a metric ton of New Year’s Resolutions and other promises to yourself and maybe even other people that you’ll change your life.

Have you done it?


If you did change, it didn’t stick for long, did it?


The first key to success is fast action—the faster you apply yourself, the faster you’ll move ahead in life.

So carve out time on a daily basis to work on improving your life ASAP!  Most people don’t give themselves an hour a day for this worthwhile work…so it’s no surprise that their lives never improve!

Successful people do the tasks that people who don’t succeed don’t want to do.  Be successful and keep moving forward.  The process works if you do.

Once you’ve blocked out the time every day to work on your WHY-related Master Plan, get concrete as to what you need to DO during each of these work sessions to make them count. Your daily 10 minute goal setting ritual can be made a part of this overall daily Power Hour.

It’s never too late for you to be in control–be purposeful about how you live your life from now on.

Want some more help with respect to calendar control?  Try the book, Time Management, by Brian Tracy, available on Amazon.



7 Proven Steps for Dealing with Difficult Coworkers!

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